When many people start podcasting, they have a person in mind that they hope to interview at some point in the future. They aim to be “large enough” one day to confidently reach out to that person (or their publicist) to make the ask, and hopefully, get a yes!
If you too dream of scoring big guest interviews, this is the post for you because we have a list of seven tips that can help you secure a chat with the top names in your industry.
1. Get on other people’s podcasts
One of the best ways to get your name out there, is to be featured on other podcasts. This sets you up as an expert in your industry, and makes you more likely to be recognized when your email inevitably comes through asking for an interview with your dream guest.
2. Interview the small fish first
In the beginning, you have to interview several people in your niche to build credibility and generate interest in your show. This not only gives you a chance to hone in on your interview skills, but it also makes your audience and other podcasters take notice. Again, helping you set yourself up as an expert.

3. Sign up for an account on PodcastGuests.com
Want help with tips 1 and 2 – we recommend checking out PodcastGuests.com When you sign up with the platform, you are instantly added to a weekly newsletter with guest opportunities on other podcasts. If you find a podcast you would like to be on, all you have to do is fill out a simple form, and you can apply to relevant podcasts in your niche.
As you get more bookings, you grow your audience, and develop your “know, like, and trust” factor. You’ll get more comfortable talking to people with varying audience sizes, and get the word out about your show at the same time.
The website also makes it easy to find other podcasters and guests to be on your show. Simply fill out a short form, and you’ll be added to the weekly emails seeking guests. Then, interested people will fill out the short form with their qualifications giving you access to their information. It really is that easy! The best part? Unlike publicists and PR firms, Podcast Guests weekly newsletter is 100% free!

Another awesome feature of the website? It has a directory broken down by genre. You can click your industry category and see podcasters just like you talking about the topics relevant to you. Get listed on the directory with your own profile here.
If you choose to list your podcast on the directory, there are two memberships available, basic and premium. Basic allows you to link to one website, and be listed in one category. Premium allows you to link up to three websites, and be listed in two categories. You will also be featured on social media, and be included in a booking accelerator to get your profile featured in the newsletter on a rotating basis.
Bottom line – PodcastGuests.com makes it easy to get you and your show noticed.
You can also check out these services to get featured on other people’s podcasts:
4. Be clear in your ask
When you do finally ask your potential guests to be on your show, be clear in your request. Let them know what your show is about, provide a link to your website, and express what you would like to discuss in their episode.
It’s also a good idea to share basic numbers about how many downloads and subscribers you have to let them know the size of your audience. Be brief, but also transparent about what they can expect.
5. Be flexible
To get the really big names, understand that they will be busy. Give them multiple times and dates to choose from, but also be flexible enough for them to say another time that could be months down the road. It’s not uncommon when you begin your quest of scoring big interviews to have to wait six months or longer before the busiest names to be on your show.

Pro Tip: Find out if the guest is launching a new product such as a book or course. Often they will set aside time for interviews to promote their new offering, and they are more likely to accept your interview request as a result.
6. Reach out on social media
One of the easiest ways to directly connect with the people you want to interview is on social media. But, a tweet or DM (direct message) shouldn’t be your first contact. Like their posts, follow them, comment on some stuff, and share their news with a mention. Get your name in their feed a few times instead of starting with a cold pitch.
7. Ask for referrals
As you start building your network, tell other podcasters you’re working on scoring big guest interviews. Let people know who the top guests are that you would like to have on your show. The world of podcasting is still growing, and you never know who is in your network that might be connected to the exact person you are trying to reach!
While these tips may not guarantee you land an interview with your dream guests, they will certainly get you closer to your goal. Keep at it, and who knows? You might become someone else’s dream guest if you get big enough!
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